Thursday, March 25, 2010

My New Biz

This is my new business now: selling personalized giveaways, souvenirs and invitations at any occasions.  We only accept made to order, in which we only give a lead time of one week from the date of order.  We also accept rush order but in a minimum of three days.

I was inspired to have this business from the day we planned the christening of my only son. We managed to make the giveaways in just one night. The product is not that good enough but as a first time giveaways makers it looks as if ordered from a giveaways shop. I really love crafts and creating a new object, that’s why when I tried creating these things, I am eager to do more and more with my own creativity and ideas. We bought raw materials from divisoria, and from there we can find plenty of things to design the product. I was also inspired to make this as a business by Jeng (my friend and colleague). She also has this kind of business but she uses different materials from the one I’m using. My husband is a painter, and that adds more creativeness and originality to the product we made. Now, we already have an advertisement at You can see the site preview in the left side of this blog. Please feel free to look at the items and make your choice of orders now. =D

Here are the sample images of our items:


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